D、Books or a Chapter of a Book (專書或專書專章)
- [D1] "The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication," by Stephen A. Campbell, Oxford University Press, USA, 2001, translated by Yo-Sheng Lin, and Shey-Shi Lu (林佑昇及呂學士譯,"半導體製程 (Stephen A. Campbell 原著)",台北圖書公司發行,2003年出版).
- [D2] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Shey-Shi Lu, "Basic Micromachining Process Modules (chapter 2 of the book: MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) Technology and Application)", Published by Instrument Technology Research Center, National Applied Research (NAR) Laboratories, Taiwan, Jul. 2003 (林佑昇及呂學士著, "微機電系統技術與應用第二章:基礎微加工製程模組",國科會精儀中心發行,2003年出版).
- [D3] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Shey-Shi Lu, "Micromachined Devices for Wireless Communication (chapter 7 of the book: Novel Technologies for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Applications)," Kluwar Academic Publishers, 2004.
- [D4] Yo-Sheng Lin, and Chien-Nan Yeh, "Featured Article: Fabrication and Applications of Inductors and Transformers," Journal of Chinese Institute of Automation Engineers, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 30-38, Sep. 2004 (林佑昇及葉建男,"專題文章:電感器及變壓器之研製與應用",中華民國自動化科技學會會刊, pp. 30-38, vol. 4, no. 3, 2004年).
- [D5] "Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design," third edition, by Donald A. Neamen, The McGraw Hill Companies, USA, 2006, translated by Yo-Sheng Lin, Ron-Chi Yang, and Chi-Wei Liu (林佑昇、楊榮吉及劉致為譯(呂學士及劉深淵審閱),"微電子學(上)&(下)(第三版)",滄海書局發行,2007年出版).
- [D6] Chi-Chen Chen, Yo-Sheng Lin, and Guo-Wei Huang, "Featured Article 7: Design of a K-Band Receiver Front-End with High Isolation," Nano Communications, vol. 17, no. 2, Jun. 2010 (陳志成、林佑昇及黃國威,"主題文章7:應用於K頻段之高隔離度射頻接收機前端電路設計",奈米通訊,17卷,No.2,pp. 36-41,2010年6月。
- [D7] Yo-Sheng Lin, Hung-Wei Chiu, and Hsiao-Bin Liang, "RFID Chip Design," Gau Lih Book Co., Ltd., 2010 (林佑昇、邱弘緯、梁效彬著,"RFID 晶片設計",高立圖書公司發行,2010年出版).
- [D8] Jen-How Lee, Yong-Chin Chen, Yo-Sheng Lin, and Shey-Shi Lu, "A 21~27 GHz CMOS Receiver Front-End with a Novel Double-Balanced Mixer and an Integrated Balun for Automobile Radar Systems," Nano Communications, vol. 19, no. 3, Sep. 2012 (李仁豪、陳永親、林佑昇及呂學士,"用於汽車雷達系統的一個具有新型雙平衡式混波器並整合平衡器之21~27GHz CMOS接收機前端電路",奈米通訊,19卷,No.3,2012年9月).
- [D9] Yo-Sheng Lin, "Ultra-Wideband Circuits, Systems, and Applications," Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 2012, Article ID 567230, 2 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/567230